~October 2007's Happenings~
Mummy brought me to grandparents’ place today. Hmm… while Mummy’s resting, she got up and start getting me some treats. *Happy* But she’s making difficult for me. *Whinez* See the pictures & the videos and you’ll know. With all my pleasing, ^5, paw but she’s still too hard to please. Sob….

Finally I get to eat it after all the torture. Just those 3 tiny treats. *Whinez*
~13th October 2007~
I found this ping pong ball somewhere and wanna play fetch with Mummy but she juz kept laughing n took out her camera.

After Mummy took some pictures of me, and she wanna take back the ball… dunno why but later she said, not safe for me to play and it might puncture with my sharp teeth. *Whinez*

~10th October 2007~
Mummy’s telling me that we’re going out!!!!

Back at home, Daddy’s on his game again, but then Mummy disturbs him by asking him to take pictures together den later was my turn. LOL…

Mummy loves this picture of mine.

Today Mummy showed me a video of another Japanese Spitz. He’s HOWLING NON STOP to a ringing phone. Listening to him, makes my head twist n turn. Lol… Mummy find me so cute. She took video of the whole process of how I reacted to the video.
~9th October 2007~
I’m the well-known Sleepy Head.

~6th October 2007~
Mummy… Play with me please…… Just once will do!
Fetched!!! Ok I’m tired… Rest…!!! Let me just work on my rawhide ok? Keke…
The McDonald’s New Commercial~

~5th October 2007~
Today Daddy & Mummy brought me out to Seletar Reservoir to meet up with Bear bear and his parents – Andy & Joanne. Keke… Enjoy the outing. And must really help to discipline Bear again. LOL… You know, he’s the first ever dog that I wanna discipline leh. He must be honoured man but then HE”S NOT. Still as notti as ever but nvm… both his parents still love him as much.
We walked ard and our parents had McDonald’s as supper. Sob… we’ve nuttin. But lucky, Mummy always bring treats along with her. So we’ve something to eat too.

~2nd October 2007~
Today Daddy & Mummy brought me out for walk ard the estate and took their camera along juz to take lotsa pictures of me. Took some videos and pictures. As for pictures, they juz wan me to stand and stay still. Side profile of me, but end up took plenty of all angles. LOL…

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